Helpful Tips

  Click the Stop sign to request a stop.
The vendors will see your request on their map.
No guarantees though; the vendor may not come.
  Have you ever missed the Ice Cream Truck?
Never again!

Click the U-Turn button if you missed the ice cream truck and you want them to turn around and come back.
We send them a notification on your're welcome!

This only appears if the ice cream truck has passed your location.
But don’t wait too long, it will disappear when the truck gets too far away.
  Don't feel like waiting? Compass View!!
Select Compass View and go Catch that Truck!
Just follow the compass needle. It's pointing to your favorite ice cream truck.
  Favorite Trucks
You can keep a list of your favorite ice cream trucks.
Just tap on a truck from the map and add it to your favorites.
We give you the option of assigning a specific notification jingle to each of your saved favorites. You can also give them a star rating them and you can report them for misconduct.
  Off Duty!
If you see this it means there are no active ice cream trucks near you.
Try again later.
We play an ice cream song on your phone when an ice cream truck is near you.
You have complete control over notifications.
You can select a default jingle for all trucks or you can assign a different jingle to each of your favorite trucks.
You may also turn off all notifications.
  Private Events
Planning a Party? Need an ice cream truck?
it's never been easier to find a vendor for your event.
Select Private Events from your navigation menu and pick any of, or all of your favorite trucks and send them the details.

© 2024 - Catch That Truck